Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Our butterfly

Our butterfly called Goldie

The orange plant which we got during Chinese New Year has been attracting caterpillars and Papa decided to collect a couple of caterpillars in a container as 'pets' to educate the girls on their life cycle, just like book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.

We fed the caterpillars daily with leaves from the orange plant and days later, some of them turned into cocoons. At this stage, the girls still don't seem interested what is going on with their 'pets' until one morning after church, we noticed the container with a beautiful butterfly in it. One of the cocoons has become a butterfly! Woohooo!! The girls got excited, screaming and jumping around, even I got excited =)

We quickly went downstairs to let our yellow-speckled butterfly free as butterflies are known to have a day to live. Now, we can't wait till the next cocoon hatches into another gorgeous butterfly!

1 comment:

viv said...

Heh that was fun! Maybe I should do the same