Thursday, February 25, 2010

Room on the Broom

Chloe's favourite book of the month!

Our tickets to "Room on the Broom"

Every night, we read a book to the girls before they go to bed. Its part of our bedtime ritual after the girls brush their teeth. For the last few weeks, it is always the same book, "Room on the Broom". Since I took her to catch the play at the DBS Arts Centre, she always wants to read this book and every other night we have this coversation:

Me: What book do you want to read tonight?
C1: Roooooom on the Brrrooooommm
Me: Again?
C1: Yes, the witch with the cat, dog, bird and dragon and monster!
Me: Ok (reluctantly)
I wonder how many more days or weeks this will last.

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