Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Playdate for Chelsey

Alexis and baby Luke came over for a playdate recently. Little Luke is only 3 months old and is the almost same size as Chelsey who is 3 months older! We tried to take some pictures of them together but Chelsey wasn't interested and kept rolling away. I guess it is too early for her to be interested in boys! haa

Another trip to the hairdresser

Chloe watching Hi5 while getting her hair cut

Alexis with her new hair do, together with Mummy Mavis

We took a trip to the kiddy hairdresser at United Square recently so that Alexis and Chloe could have trim. The little girls ended up having a very similar haircut!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Its been a long week

It has been a long week for us. Both Papa and Chloe has been sick. Papa has the flu and Chloe, high fever that has become Roseola or Fake Measles.

From Monday to Wednesday, Chloe was running a fever. It was on and off but during the night it spiked as high as 40.4 degrees! Out came the ice-packs and Voren (the suppository medication) to bring the fever down.

On Wednesday, Chloe had a few little red dots that looked like rash on her cheeks. Ah-ma suspected that our little darling had measles or chicken pox. Personally, I didn't think it was and applied candula cream religiously on the spots.

On Thursday, more little red spots appeared on Chloe's face and the fever has been settled.

Today, Friday, Chloe's whole body, back and face is covered with many little red rash like spots.
Confirmed, she has Roseola. Thankfully, she is still in good spirits but still not much of an appetite. Hope the spots will fade and that she will get better soon.

As for Papa, he has quarantined himself in the study room. He sleeps and eats in the tiny odd shaped room. The only time he comes out is to use the toilet. For those who are concerned, the answer is NO, he does not have H1N1.

Chloe's own little words

Being only 21 months, Chloe is still grasping with words that has 2 or 3 syllables. She has even gives names to certain things in her own little way such as:
a) Elephant: Eh-Seng
b) Umbrella: Umm-bree
c) Coin / Money: Darr-dar

So next time when she asks for her 'opium', don't be surpirsed when she shouts for Eh-Seng!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Queer sense of humour

Now that Chloe is getting older, she has started to develop a queer sense of humour. Whenever she sees Ah-Ma, she will ask for Ah-Gong, or when I step into the house, she will ask for Papa. She knows that I am not Papa, and Ah-Ma is not Ah-Gong, but she just enjoys calling us by our other halfs name, as she thinks it's funny.

Frankly, I think it is cute as she is developing her own personality! =)

Beat the horse

The horse looks similarly to this, but not exactly

Over at Ah-Ma and Ah-Gong house, they have a beautiful antique Han dynasty porcelain horse near the entrance of the house which is all cased up. Ah-Ma tied fishing lines across to hold the plastic case in place just in case anyone accidentlly knocks it. Our little Chloe has a pair of itchy hands likes to touch it every now and then, has even asked Ah-Ma to remove the string several times.

One day Ah-Gong caught Chloe red handed and told her sternly:
Ah-Gong: Don't touch the horse or I will beat your hands!
Chloe: Beat the horse!

Our little stick family

Stick Figure Family at FreeFlashToys.com
Make your Stick Figure Family at FreeFlashToys.com

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Chelsey is 6 months & Chloe is 21 months!

Chloe at Grandma's house

Chelsey by the swimming pool

Grand Aunty Doris, the avid photographer, took this beautiful pictures of Chelsey and Chloe. Her photos taken during a recent Machu-Picchu trip are even more spectacular! Some are even selected for a recent the Nikon photo contest. Well done Aunty Doris!
p/s: Will link Aunty Doris' photos soon

Another day at Botanical Gardens

The girls feeding the fishes and turtles
Turtles climbing up a tree
Lara and Chloe taking a break from running around

The hungry fishes following us

Chelsey enjoying the breeze

Couple of weeks ago, Megan's mummy and I decided to bring the girls and their other playground gang t0 Botanical Gardens for a change. The girls enjoyed feeding the fishes and turtless, but the highlight was watching the hungry fishes follow us as we walked off and turtles climbing a tree!

C2 on semi solids

We have been giving Chelsey Healthy Times Brown Rice cereal everyday for the past 2 weeks. She enjoys eating it and always finishes everything!

*cross my fingers that she is not a fussy eater*

Future fashionista

Chloe striking a pose in the lift on our way out.