Friday, November 28, 2008

The Flyer

We are privileged to have a couple of free tickets to the S'pore Flyer, so we decided to make a trip down last Friday. Chloe enjoyed walking around the capsule... pointing at cars and birds. You can see from her face, she was very excited.

Plus, she is little brave girl - not afraid of heights!


Chloe looks forward to bath time in the evenings coz we blow bubbles at her just before she starts her bath. Before we even step into the bathroom, she will be shouting 'BUB-BLES'!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Arts & Craft @ School

Every Wednesday, Ah-Ma brings Chloe to Playdays for class. Chloe enjoys going to school, playing with the other kids, blowing bubbles as well as doing some art work. Check out some of her masterpieces - a spotted spider, furry duck and shinny Mary (from Mary had a little lamb)!

Monday, November 17, 2008


Chloe can say a couple of words already. Her first real word was 'ball' when she was around 10months. Over the last 4 months, her vocab has increased...with the help of flash cards too! The picture of the flash cards above shows some of the words which she can say already.

Her current 5 favourite words are:
1. 'Downnn' - ie she does not want to be carried, she wants to walk around
2. 'Gooo' - ie she want to go out, go home, go somewhere
3. 'Nooo' - she finally understands what it means but does not follow this as a command all the time
4. 'Ba-ll' - this is her all time favourite word, anything round is a ball...even oranges or street lights!
5. 'App-ple' - anything that is red or looks like an apple is an apple.

My favourite words are, of coz 'Papa' and 'Mamm-my' =)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Preggy mummies & lil' girls go swimming

Both preggy mummies decided to bring Chloe and Alexis swimming. Both girls love to swim, play in the water and the slide by the pool! Thankfully the weather last Saturday was not too sunny and yet breezy. Perfect for swimming!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Step by step

Chloe has been walking for over a month now. From 3 steps to 5 steps to more than 10 steps. Every day she is getting better and steadier. Here is a little video of her walking around her room and listening to Baby Signing Times.